You have to upgrade your customers now. Your clients don’t ask for better management applications/tools instead they request a faster and more structured workflow. Instead of building a great car with all safety matters, train your driver to do safe driving. According to the JTBD approach, it states that any market grows when buyers have some job to be done and then they end up buying a product/service to finish it.
JTBD is a process that any buyer goes through when any customer decides to change the current situation to her/his preferred one. However, she fails to do that because multiple issues are restricting her from doing it. We can say, the JTBD approach is based on the ideology that other than targeting the product/service or the client, the center of attention should be based on the hidden process that the clients are trying to achieve. This is done after buying the product/service of the company. They hire the service/product to finish the work that they want to do.
1. Buyers want to purchase any service or product only to get a particular task done.
2. People don’t want to travel in a cab, instead, they want to reach their destination. These tasks become part of the Job to be done.
3. The task here is the core of all the innovations and planning.
4. The services/products are grown with time, however, the job to be done here stays the same as it was. Due to this, the requirements of the clients are every time conceived in the beginning as JTBD. They always are consistent and ongoing for a longer duration. Organizations are now focused on outcome-driven innovation.
5. The tasks of all your customers come as a completely different and new framework and perspective for your company.
6. The JTBD approach allows strategy framing, disruptive innovation, and the creation of the service/product on the consistent needs of the buyer. It gives you the highest value creation ability.
I want to have a device that allows me to hear songs while I am working out.
This job to be done was handled by two crucial devices. The devices are the Sony Walkman and the iPod of the Apple Company. The products have drastically grown in making the music accessible and also along with that, it helped the users to create their own experience of listening to the music of their own choice other than just selecting the channel.
This work by the Walkman and the iPod can be said to be the fundamental work of the Job to be done. The iPod has the advantage of growing technologies and reporting to the customer’s objectives regarding the choice of music.
The customer demands easy access to the books and wants to buy them quickly. f you have forgotten then this will remind you that Amazon commenced by selling books online. This was a high savior for all book lovers as it creates easy availability of the book. Along with that, it brings the advantage that it sells a variety of books which gives access to choose among the diverse collection. Which may not be fulfilled by the brick store.
Amazon now has expanded its business and has opened its platform to a variety of genres but still, we should remember traditionally it all began with selling books online. This was the reason why Amazon came into existence. The core of the founding principle of Amazon was making books accessible to all its users quickly and efficiently. Amazon has continued to build good ideas for its site. We can say it has accomplished the job to be done in a very justifiable manner.
Job mapping can be achieved by following 8 steps. The organization highlights the tasks and smaller activities that are going through to achieve their job.
1. Defining and planning: The buyer consciously or unconsciously decides to make an initial plan for their job to be done to fulfill the set goals.
2. Locating the input required: The buyer recognizes and spots the necessary details for them to finalize what they want to do.
3. To prepare: The buyer assembles and creates logic to the details, filters it thoroughly, further qualifies it, creates theories, and goes to search for details or selects to finalize what to do.
4. Confirm and Validate: You need to finalize the buyer’s action and approve it.
5. Executing: The buyer acts on the decision.
6. Monitor: The decision is taken and it monitors the executed customer’s effect and outcome.
7. Modifying: The monitoring process generates new information that leads the customer to reevaluate their original decision. Are they able to make a good decision based on their new data, or do they need to go back and make a new one? Are they just concluding (moving to the next phase), or do they continuously monitor and improve their decision?
8. Conclusion: Sometimes, the job is done then the customer has its conclusion. They note their current situation, modify their requirements and learn from it whether they are happy with the product/service or not.
These steps mentioned above are not required to be sequential or linear. That is the reason it is called a map, not a journey. There are instances, we find loopholes, sending the buyers back and forth while doing the 8 steps. Some steps happen in parallel. While some might be quick, and only need a few seconds to finish, some steps might take a relatively long time.
We have to accept that jobs are not made up, instead, they are discovered. Business does not require friction but it is an innovation process that we need to address. The Jobs to be Done Theory revolves around qualitative interviews. They act as the spinal cord of the whole procedure. The interview should be performed by your trustable team. As it should be primary, not secondary. It can act as a perfect opportunity to leverage the organization’s hidden sounds into a much more extensive understanding of the company’s practices.
This is recognized as being the most crucial customer criterion, and for JTBD the company needs to quantify it and also recognize the biggest growth opportunities. During this step, we will comprehend coming from a large quantitative survey covering their final customer criteria.
After visualizing the outcomes from the survey to make the insights spontaneously accessible to the whole team. One example of this is the job journey navigator which is from Venbridge. In this situation, the customer criteria are drawn like a journey, aligned with the map of the task that needs to be done. This helps the team to easily view where the biggest opportunities lie for the company.
Now it’s time for you to connect to the Jobs to be done with the solutions they can provide. It will depend on the prioritized alternatives that the company uncovers using the Job Journey Navigator. There needs to be a selection of necessities which will further be reduced to a few best addressed with the crucial investments.
Your product adoption is dependent on two parts-
The JTBD approach helps in improving the customer’s experience. This will help in removing the market myopia by institutionalizing market knowledge.